Yesterday a few of us completed our assessments for the DSC1 course, being the first organised by the club. Unfortunately a couple of candidates couldn’t attend the exams, but the remaining 4 had a great day – and now we just eagerly await the final results!
On the practical exams, our practice paid off and everyone passed. I think we are all pretty confident it has gone well, but whatever the outcome, a massive thank you to Mike I for organising it all! In addition to organising it all and teaching us for the last few weeks, Mike also let us undertake the safety assessment at his house. Its been a steep learning curve thats for sure, but I would definitely recommend the course to anyone interested in not just stalking, but deer ecology and hunting in general.
Myself and Mike have spoken about organising these approved courses on a regualr basis, and so if you are interested in completing the DSC1, do let me know.
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