Rogiet booking now open!

I am pleased to say booking is now open for Rogiet on the 31 July 2021.

This is a 600m CGR range. We may also start off at 300m.

Registration is either via Spond or email. If your not on Spond, it’s an app so download from your relevant App Store and look for Monmouth & District Rifle Club. Our club number on Spond is CYMQN once installed.

There is a £20 booking fee, which can either be taken by Spond directly or if confirming by email, payment to me by BACS:

Name: Adam Sinfield
Sort code: 09-01-28
A/c Number: 01196350

To note, I don’t know the final cost until after the day (I still haven’t had an invoice from Sennybridge in May, so it isn’t a quick system) and as such, potential partial refunds may be available. No refunds for cancellations I’m afraid.

Due to Covid we are limited on numbers, so will be first come first served. If numbers permit, guests will also be permitted to attend.

Briefing document available here: Range Brief

Anyway, see you there!